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Maintenance Of Overall Health With Oral Hygiene

The importance of dental care is vital in preserving comprehensive whole-body health. The mouth acts as an access portal for germs to enter and contaminate other parts, and by keeping a regular hygiene routine, a person can prevent any possible infection from ever occurring.

Oral hygiene is the practice of regular cleaning and brushing of teeth to prevent any aperture disease or complications. A professional dentist suggests various methods of cleaning based on that particular condition, and neglectful care will result in tooth decay, bad breath & gum diseases like gingivitis & periodontitis.

An unhealthy eating habit is the leading cause of oral problems in many individuals. Foods containing high sugar content encourage the growth of plaque, a sticky deposit of bacteria. This plaque converts sugar into acid, which induces abrasion in enamels known as tooth decay.  The tartar can merge with the gum surface if left untreated and resulting in inflammation & bleeding of gums.
Over time this tartar becomes harder and more attached to the surface. This is known as calculus; a microbe substance made up of calcium phosphate. This material causes alveolar bone by separating the gum from teeth.


Regular brushing of a tooth for at least two minutes is the primary method to avoid tartar growth. Using fluoride dentifrice is an important factor in protecting the tooth against decays and reducing pathogens in the enamel surface. The aberrant placement of teeth may cause difficulties while brushing; consulting a cosmetic dental expert can rectify such imperfections.

Floss can remove germs present in interdental surfaces. If proper technique is applied, this method can clear pathogens and food particles present in between the teeth. Many types of floss like waxed, non-waxed and Teflon are available for use based on personal preference.

Prostheses like dental implants can be fixed in place of a damaged or missing tooth. These will prevent the damage from spreading other molars; many dentists suggest the use of implants in maintaining good oral health.

Common Benefits

If germs spread to the inner chamber of the heart, it can result in endocarditis conditions and proper dental care prevents such complications, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in most individuals.   

Certain pathogens in the mouth can cause pneumonia & other respiratory illness if not cleared properly. Mouth problems will directly affect other body parts like the lungs or heart.

A severe case of oral contamination can also cause Alzheimer's. Adults with careless cleaning routine and improper treatments have a huge risk of sustaining such conditions, but proper oral maintenance will avoid such dangers.

Author Bio

Dr. Brian Ferber is a professional dentist; he has graduated from university of Pennsylvania with a fellowship in advanced implant dentistry, his philosophy of providing exceptional medical care to every patient is the foundation of the Ferber Dental Group.


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